Akaeze: School Building and Clean WaterIt is often said that water is the source of life. It is no more true and evident than in the rural villages of Nigeria. Hence we have been blessed with the engineering ability of Ted Dutaud who leads the work on all of our clean water projects. The team was mobilized by Arlene Nagy who gathered a team just big enough to work efficiently, effectively and economically in combination with local people and our partner TETMI. This group restored another 6 boreholes/wells that were installed many years ago. Many of these water sources have not been operating for up to 13 years, all the while villagers including many children drinking filthy polluted water from a local river. Of course many are sick and many, many have died as a result. Our doctor tells us that about 70% of the sicknesses here are as a result of drinking the terrible water. Since we discovered the hundreds of borehole/wells throughout not only Nigeria but all of Africa, we have made water source restorations and teaching and training of the local people to maintain them, one of our new priorities. New borehole/wells were installed at a cost of many thousand dollars … we can restore them and get them working for a few hundred dollars!! We consider this discovery a miracle and a sign that we should fund raise and focus on restoring as many as possible in the future.